Own a Piece of Porn History!
3927 Ad blocks Available - $256 Per Ad Block - Own a slice of porn history!
1,000,000+ Pixels Broken Down Into 3927 Blocks! Click here to buy
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How much website traffic does MillionDollarPorn.com get?

During the month of Febuary 2024 the website generated around 26,500 monthly visitors. Traffic stats are updated here each month

What is a favicon?

Favicons are the small square images that are usually displayed before the URL in the address bar of a browser, in the browsing tabs, and next to the site name in a user’s list of bookmarks. Usually, they’re just the brand or website logo shrunk down to 16 x 16 pixels, but any image can be used to represent a brand.

Does my ad stay on the site forever?

Correct, there is no renewal fee when you buy an ad, once you buy one of the blocks there is no future payment required, your ad lives on the site throughout its existence, which is a minimum of 10 years.

How much does it cost to advertise on MillionDollarPorn.com?

The cost is $1 per pixel and the minimum amount of pixels you can buy is 256 pixels, which is the exact amount of pixels inside a 16×16 pixel favicon. (16 x 16 = 256)

How can i buy ad blocks on a laptop?

Go to the BUY ad blocks page.

On laptop (buy single ad spot):
Click on a single available ad block that you want to buy.

On laptop (buy multiple ad spots):
Drag-n-drop using your mouse pointer to select the ad blocks that you want to buy. (Unmark by clicking outside on a blank space)

How can i buy ad blocks on mobile?

Go to the BUY ad blocks page.

On mobile (buy one ad spot):
Zoom in on the site and click on a single available ad block that you want to buy.

On mobile (buy multiple ad spots):
Zoom in on the site and click on multiple available ad blocks that you want to buy. (Unmark by clicking on the ads twice)

Can advertisers buy more than one ad block?

As explained above, you can buy as many ad blocks as you want as long as there are still available ad blocks to buy.

What can advertisers expect after they get their ads up and running?

It all depends on the placement and how many ad blocks the advertiser has chosen to purchase.
Advertisers can expect to get a higher number of clicks if they have purchased multiple ad blocks as their ad (banner or logo) will be displayed larger in front of the website visitors.

What can visitors expect when clicking on ads?

Visitors can expect to visit sites with adult content.

For how long time will MillionDollarPorn.com stay up?

The site will be up and running for 10 years minimum (starting from the day the site was launched) but the aim is to have the site up and running for longer … Temporary downtime due to server issues and potential hacker attacks will be solved urgently, but we can not guarantee 100% uptime.

How many ad blocks are there?

There are 3927 favicon ad spots.

What can be advertised?

Anything in the adult industry as long as it has legal content…

Can I advertise my personal OnlyFans or Chaturbate account?

Unfortunately not, however, if you have a personal brand name domain that’s unique to you only, then yes, otherwise we’d have lots of the same repeating favicons on the page if we were to point the link to a well-known brand, and that would look ugly…

Can I advertise an affiliate link?

Yes, as long as the site it’s pointing to isn’t already on here then it’s fine.

Can I change my ad?

No, ads will not be changed. Only under extreme circumstances like copyright infringement will the ad be changed.

Can I change my link/URL?

No, only under extreme circumstances see the terms for the answers

What happens if someone finds a link/URL that leads to a website with illegal content?

We reserve the right to terminate the link if there is strong proof of illegal content and we will redirect the link back to MillionDollarPorn.com with a short message showing that the link has been suspended.

What happens if not all ad blocks are sold?

Well, nothing the plan is to fill the entire home page whether that takes a few months or a few years, eventually, it’ll all (hopefully) be sold and there won’t be any available spots left to sell. You’ll also see a “SOLD OUT” badge at the upper top right of the screen once all spots are sold

What happens when / if all ad blocks are sold out?

Once all ad spots are sold the homepage will turn into one large NFT that will be auctioned out for sale. (The Website MillonDollarPorn.com Is Not Included In The NFT Purchase)
Make sure to visit us often in case we get sold out and if you’re planning on bidding on the NFT!

Is MillionDollarPorn.com for sale?

Nope, the website is not for sale. 

What is MillionDollarPorn and why was it built?

I run multiple adult websites and I thought this was a fun way of trying to make a million dollars while at the same time I could generate a lot of website traffic to my advertisers.

Who is the founder?

Taking a look at the logo might give you a hint 🙂

Can i Advertise any type of image/ad here?

Nope, the only ads that will be accepted are either your website favicon or your website logo, no random clickbait ads are allowed, website logo or your favicon, that’s all. 

3927 Blocks doesn’t equal 1M pixels?

To be able to generate a nice-looking rectangular NFT in the end, and to have the number of pixels as close to 1 million as possible, we needed to set the number of ad blocks to 3927. It’s actually 51 x 77 ad blocks and exactly 1.005.312 pixels.